Are there people in your life who have a hard time admitting when they’re wrong?
Are you one of them?
I know it’s not easy to swallow your pride and come clean when you’ve made a misstep or defended a position that was later found out to be false. We’ve all done it. That’s what makes us human.
But when you can rise above your ego and show genuine humility when exposed, then you are actually showing your strength of character and not weakness, as some might attest.
You see, to be honest first to yourself and then to others, demonstrates that you are secure enough within yourself to accept and love yourself no matter what. To thine own self be true, as they say.
And when you are living in alignment with your soul, there is no room for shame or self-judgement – there is only room for peace and forgiveness, which in turn you are able to extend to others.
And that’s where all the magic happens.
You see, when you’re living in your joy, you know who you are and can show true humility without fear of what others may say or think. In fact, it will become one of your superpowers!
Here is an excerpt from a message that was revealed to me as I was creating the guidebook for my Joy Medicine Cards that I thought might help to reinforce this month’s joy habit of Be Humble from Chapter 35 of my book Being Joy™.
“Be humble in the face of circumstances or people with whom you may judge.
By seeing everyone, including yourself in a state of grace,
you align yourself with the connectedness of the universe.
Through this higher consciousness, you attain divine joy.”
As we begin the month of December and a season when many will celebrate the birth of one of history’s most humble servants – Jesus Christ, I ask that you model the same grace and humility that He demonstrated. I believe that it is love and acceptance that Christ and so many other religious and great wisdom keepers from the past and present knew was the solution for uniting the people of this earth. And we need unity now more than ever.
Love from your Joy Mama,
P.S. One of the biggest reasons that people have difficulty admitting they are wrong is fear of judgement. But when you realize that everyone is usually much more interested in themselves than in your life, it makes it a bit easier to let go of that assumption. Be honest. Live your life. Show humility. That’s the path to joy. To learn more about the barrier of judgement and how it gets in the way of joy, ask for your free copy of my e-book The 8 Barriers to Joy and Abundance.
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Image from Pixabay.
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