Why is it that speaking our truth is so difficult? Is it that we are so conditioned to justify the little white lies we tell ourselves and others as if our soul doesn’t know the difference? But we know. And we usually feel ashamed afterwards.
Shame and guilt are two of the most toxic emotions. They disempower and steal our joy. So how about we change that. How about we adopt a new habit of truth telling. And it needs to start with telling the truth to yourself.
No one is perfect. So, there are likely a few things about yourself that you’re not all that crazy about. Here’s a simple activity that I include in Chapter 34 – Be Truthful from my book Being Joy™ that might help.
Make a list of the positive qualities you possess and another list of those that you would like to change. Be honest with yourself. Awareness is always the first step. Celebrate your honesty by acknowledging both.
Being truthful is about being authentic – being comfortable in your own skin. Because if you’re not, then you can’t show up for anyone else.
You see, inauthenticity breeds distrust. And if you want to form trusting relationships with others, you need to start with developing one with yourself.
But being honest with yourself can be unnerving. It can make you feel vulnerable. You might feel fearful about being judged if others see the real you.
If that’s your story, then a great resource might be Brené Brown’s book, The Gifts of Imperfection. This is a powerful read and one that got me hooked on her perspective as a social scientist. I also highly recommend her next two books Daring Greatly and Rising Strong.
Another perspective that I admire is from Mark Nepo, who is my favourite soul-centred poet. He speaks about authenticity in a unique way.
In his Book of Awakening, Nepo writes about “the energy of being real” in which he so beautifully says,
“When our souls like little suns express the light of who we are, we emanate what Jesus called love and what Buddha called compassion, and the roots of community lengthen. In this way, without any intent to show others, we simply have to be authentic, and a sense of mana, or spiritual light and warmth, will emanate from our very souls, causing others to grow – not toward us, but toward the light that moves through us. In this way, by being who we are, we not only experience life in all its vitality, but, quite innocently and without design, we help others be more thoroughly themselves. In being real, in staying devoted to this energy of realness, we help each other grow toward the one vital light.”
Simply put, by shining your own authentic light, you are helping others to broadcast their own unique light as well. And the ripple effect begins. I can’t think of a better gift to the world than that. And that my friend is joyful living.
Love from your Joy Mama,
P.S. One of the biggest reasons that people choose not to show their true selves is that they don’t feel worthy. It’s one of the biggest barriers to joy and abundance. To learn more about this barrier and others, get your free copy of my e-book The 8 Barriers to Joy and Abundance.
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