We are at the final week of my month-long random acts of kindness challenge. I hope you’ve been able to practice some of the ideas I have shared over the past four weeks. If you have, I’m sure you’ve noticed a difference in your own level of peace and calm. And I’ll bet your joy vibration has increased. It’s just the way the law of attraction works. What you give out gets returned. Just like a boomerang.
Just to recap, your first random acts of kindness challenge was on sharpening your joy habit of kindness by first showing love and kindness to yourself. I hope you were able to try some of the suggestions I offered.
The second post was about performing random acts of kindness towards children – either your children, grandchildren or those of friends or family members. I gave more suggestions that would help model kindness to growing minds.
The next post asked you to show kindness to your friends, neighbours and especially your co-workers. I gave more ideas for ways to incorporate random acts of kindness to these groups.
Last week’s challenge asked you to perform random acts of kindness to strangers, especially to those who are different than yourself.
Now that you have practised showing kindness to yourself and others, it’s time to focus on extending kindness to Mother Earth.
Plant kindness and gather love – Proverb
In a previous post, I told you about a great compilation book by the late activist and founder of The Body Shop, called A Revolution in Kindness. In the book, the author posed many questions about what the world would look like if we were kinder. In today’s blog, rather than give you a bulleted list of random acts of kindness you could extend to Mother Earth, I’m going to quote a chapter from that book and let these words inspire you in determining what role you want to play in kindness towards nature and our planet.
The following chapter is from one of the book contributors by the name of Vandana Shiva, an activist and physicist with the Research Foundation for Science, Technology & Ecology. These words are just as moving and relevant (if not more so) than they were when the book was published in 2003. I share this with love and a sincere call to action.
If People Acted as Caretakers to the Natural World
“If humans are to survive, we have to re-embed ourselves in the earth family. Being kind to other species is based on realizing we are all kindred species. This would revolutionize science, technology, economics, politics and culture.”
Compassion and kindness as the basis of our relationship with non-human fellow beings mean “doing no harm”. We can no longer think of owning genes, organisms, reproduction but instead recognize the we belong to the web of life and are co-creators with other species. Kindness to other species also creates a non-violent economy based on sharing, giving, and protecting in place of the current violent economic system of corporate globalization based on grabbing, destroying, and privatizing the resources of the earth, including water and biodiversity.
Compassion for other species is also the best lesson in deep democracy, when all beings have rights and intrinsic worth, diversity becomes a value in and of itself. Diversity becomes the grounds for democracy – an earth democracy.
And in a world of diversity where all beings flourish, cultural diversity also flourishes, peace replaces the clash of civilizations, love replaces hatred, hope replaces hopelessness.
When we recognize that we are dependent on other species, the oxygen from the trees, the food that earthworms and millions of soil organisms provide for us sustainably, our paradigms shift to taking care of biodiversity instead of wiping it out in the name of progress and development.”
To close this month’s offerings, I would like to share the dedication I wrote in the preface of my book Being Joy™ that sums up how I feel about the importance of raising our collective joy vibration through acts of love and kindness towards each other and the world as a whole.
For all you noble citizens
who share this world with me
and want to make your meaning last
please listen to my plea.
Mother Earth weeps tears for us,
she feels our sickness growing.
Through anger, judgment, sadness blooms
and keeps our hearts from glowing.
She calls upon us, young and old
to heal our spirits, knowing
that joy remembered is joy returned,
your joy will keep life flowing.
Love from your Joy Mama,
P.S. If you haven’t already read my book Being Joy™, it’s a simple 40-day practice of replacing old self-defeating beliefs with new empowering joy habits. As your vibrational frequency increases, you’ll not only experience more joy, but you’ll also be a beacon of hope for others who have forgotten their own joy. Please join me on this important mission by ordering your copy today!
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Image courtesy of Pixabay.
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