Are you someone who loves to learn? Do you ask a lot of questions? Are you curious about everything? If so, your purpose may be that of a teacher.
Since this month’s joy habit is about being on purpose, I thought I would talk about three distinct expressions of purpose for the rest of July, starting with those teachers who open the doors for the rest of us.
I’ve found that most of the teachers I know and respect are life-long learners who are passionate about sharing what they know with others. Their caring nature makes them generous and giving. Take my good friend Jan for example who chose teaching school children the love of learning as her profession. What a gift to the world Jan’s purposeful passion has been.
Jan’s expression of purpose has helped hundreds of children develop that same passion for knowledge. And, when wisely nurtured has helped children to become more self-aware with an inner wisdom that will guide their entire lives. To me, schoolteachers are one of the finest examples of the “way-showers” for the next generation of creators, inventors, builders, and leaders.
Or perhaps you are someone who is also a curious learner but has chosen to serve the world through your expression of dance, writing, or painting. The creative arts teach others how to look at things in a different way – they expand our perceptions and perspectives, and they elevate our joy through such beauty.
Perhaps you have chosen the healing arts to express your purpose. I know and have personally benefited from people who teach others how to heal their physical, emotional, and spiritual selves through meditation, nutrition, fitness, and other holistic wellness modalities. I am grateful that these special beings have discovered their calling.
But when you really think about it, we are all teachers in our own way. Through our successes or hardships, we can all teach others how to be humble when we rise and how to be resilient when we fall.
Being human gives us the rare privilege of modelling how we wish others to treat us and by example enables others to find their own way towards self-fulfillment and purpose. And that my friend is joyful living.
Love from your Joy Mama,
P.S. If you haven’t already read my book Being Joy™, it’s a simple 40-day practice of replacing old self-defeating beliefs with new empowering joy habits. As your vibrational frequency increases, you’ll not only experience more joy, but you’ll also be a beacon of hope for others who have forgotten their own joy. Please join me on this important mission by ordering your copy today!
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Image courtesy of Pixabay.
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