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joy journals

How many times a day do you think you get an idea in your head. Which ones do you decide to act on which do you push aside?

I believe that when ideas come to us, it’s because we have summoned them from deep down in our soul. We have asked for the idea, the insight, the inspiration to help us fulfill what we’ve asked to come here to do. So why then do so many of us disregard them as meaningless thoughts or worse still, give in to the negative self-talk that says we’re not smart enough, young enough, rich enough or good enough to do anything with the idea? But as Alfred Adler advises above, be grateful for the idea that uses us. It’s a gift not to be squandered.

Where would we be if Albert Einstein disregarded the ideas that came to him? Or if Michelangelo refused to let his ideas inspire his creative genius? Where would we be if Steve Jobs or Bill Gates didn’t listen to their inner voices that told them to follow-through on their ideas? We need more rebels, idealists, and visionaries to trust their gut and act on the ideas that come to them. It’s what makes our world evolve.

So the next time you get the glimmer of an idea that you are tempted to write off, remember the words of Dr. Seuss from his book Oh, the Thinks You can Think! that goes: “Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!!

Love from your Joy Mama

Gloria Stewart signature



P.S. Have you downloaded my free eBook yet? Learn how to recognize and eliminate your joy blockers with 8 Barriers to Joy & Abundance.

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