One of the best ways to relax your mind and body, especially during these unprecedented times of uncertainty, is by being in the presence of beauty. And for me, the most peaceful and relaxing beauty is found in nature.
Whether it’s through the simple gaze at a bouquet of colourful wildflowers or hearing the crickets or frogs on a warm summer night, nature’s beauty can quell my compulsion to go-go-go, like no other.
Today, I’m sharing some images that touch my spirit in such a way as to slow my breathing to let my joy in. I hope they will do the same for you.
But before I do that, since this is the last blog post from this month’s joy habit of relaxation, I want to take just a minute to recap some of the other methods I’ve previously shared to soothe your soul.
I gave you some of my favourite Music to Soothe Your Soul with even a couple of YouTube links to pieces you may not have heard, before. They touch me deeply.
To help you slow down and literally smell the roses, I shared Scents to Soothe Your Soul.
And last week, I talked about Breathing to Soothe Your Soul and how the practice of meditation can help you relax into your centre.
Which brings us to the subject of today’s blog which is Beauty to Soothe Your Soul and my promise of sharing some beautiful images with you.
To me, relaxation is about helping your five basic senses come alive so that your intuitive sixth sense can be fully activated. I’ve chosen images that will hopefully help you experience all your senses, just by looking at them and imagining you were right there. Here we go.
Relax your eyes on the wonders of the sky
Relax your ears with tranquil waters
Relax your nose with Mother Nature’s offerings from the forest
Relax your taste with our land’s bounty
Relax your touch with gentle softness
I hope you’ve enjoyed my gallery of images to relax your senses. Find images that you like and hang them in your office and home to remind you to be grateful for the blessing of being alive to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch things that bring you comfort and joy.
Be relaxed my friend. Your to-do list can wait.
Love from your Joy Mama,
P.S. If you would like to learn more about my book Being Joy™ where I go into more detail about relaxation and 39 other topics to help elevate your joy frequency, check out this video.
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