Mother Earth is waiting.
For the past four weeks my blog series “The Five Letters of Generosity” has asked you to send “love letters” to people in need of joy. This week I’ll ask you to write the ultimate letter of encouragement and hope. And isn’t that what we are most hungry for during these uncertain times?
We hope that kids going back to school won’t be disrupted by another shutdown. We hope that we’ll get to visit our grandparents in their nursing home soon. We hope that our small business will survive through the fall and winter. Lots to hope for.
Hope is an energy that is fueled by encouragement. It shines brightest when surrounded by feelings of gratitude for what we already have. And it is inspired through the sending of and receiving of generosity of spirit. What better way to let the people of the world know we’re going to be okay.
Now it’s time to let Mother Earth know we’ve got her back.