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Yellow mandala with words - The fragrance always remains on the hand that gives the rose.” ~ Gandhi

My rampage of expressing generosity of spirit continues with this week’s assignment.  If you’ve done the first and second activities, hopefully you’re feeling an energetic shift from “woe is me” to “wow is me”.

You see, I’ve always felt that the best way to banish worry and doubt is through service to someone or something else. It’s always worked for me.  And as St. Francis of Assisi said in his famous Peace Prayer, “For it is in giving that we receive.”   Now it’s time to expand your joy bubble even further.

Your assignment this week is to think of a friend in need.  Someone who has been struggling. They may have lost their job because of the pandemic.  Or perhaps they are dealing with an illness of their own or someone in their family. COVID has been hard on many families.  Your friend could be one of those people who has been suffering in silence – dealing with depression and afraid to tell anyone. But you know.

This is your joy assignment for the week.

You’re going to write a generosity of spirit letter to a friend in need.

image of a teddy bear

First, get comfortable in a place where you won’t be disturbed.  With nice writing paper and a favourite pen, start writing from your heart.

Tell this friend that they are stronger than what they may believe.  Express what you appreciate about them.  Explain why they are important to you and others.  Let them know you’re there for them and they are not alone. Be encouraging and hopeful.  Speak from your heart.  Be generous.

Then mail the letter.  No email or text.  Receiving a letter like this in the mail is a special gift that shows you really took time to express your caring.

And if your friend doesn’t acknowledge the letter right away, don’t obsess about it.  It could be they need time to digest what you’ve said.  Let them come to you in their own time, if at all.  Remember, the letter was your gift of generosity of spirit to them.  It wasn’t about you. As I said in last week’s blog, true generosity is given without expectation.  Just knowing that you have sent joyful energy their way is enough to raise your own vibration.  And I’m confident it will elevate theirs too.

Be sure to read next Wednesday’s blog for your fourth assignment in September’s “Five Letters of Generosity”. It’s going to be another good one!

And until next week, keep your frequency high, your mind open, and your joy ever expanding!

Love from your Joy Mama,

Gloria Stewart signature

P.S.    If you haven’t already read my book Being Joy™, it’s a simple 40-day practice of replacing old self-defeating beliefs with new empowering joy habits. As your vibrational frequency increases, you’ll not only experience more joy, but you’ll also be a beacon of hope for others who have forgotten their own joy.  Please join me on this important Joy Revolution by ordering your copy today!

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Image courtesy of Pixabay.



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