A few years ago, while busy preparing to make a huge Easter dinner for my family, my kitchen faucet broke. So that meant I wouldn’t have water in my kitchen to finish preparing the meal and for clean up. What to do?
Thankfully, I had been raised to believe there was always a way. You just need to get creative!
We had to MacGyver it by attaching a garden hose with duct tape to the bathroom faucet which was right off the kitchen and then ran it into the kitchen sink so I could finish the rest of the meal prep. The clean up was the messy bit – it took hours with all the running back forth between the bathroom and the kitchen.
When I finally got the plumber to bring me the gift of water again in my kitchen, I felt deep appreciation for having a functioning kitchen again. To this day, whenever I turn on a tap in my home, whether it’s the kitchen sink, the shower, bath or even flushing the toilet, I give thanks for running water. Such a simple thing we tend to often take for granted.
Since this is the final blog for July’s joy habit of – Be Satisfied, which is ultimately about appreciating where you are and all your blessings, here’s my top 20 list of things I appreciate, and not necessarily in any particular order.
I appreciate:
- My loving son who has become one of the best dads I’ve ever seen.
- My caring daughter-in-law who loves my son.
- My healthy, active, smart, and funny grandson who just turned three.
- The new friends I’ve made since moving to Vancouver Island.
- The friendships that have stayed in my life over the decades.
- Family who I know will always be there for me.
- The ocean that I get to walk to whenever I want.
- The forests that I get to walk through whenever I want.
- My sacred home that feeds my soul.
- The work life I’ve created that allows me to work with people I enjoy.
- Having purpose and living it.
- All the books and wisdom teachers who help me evolve.
- The family I chose to be born into.
- Being able to afford healthy food to eat.
- Being a Canadian.
- The aroma of incense and essential oils and great food cooking.
- Having a peaceful night’s sleep.
- That I am resilient.
- That I have clean fresh air to breathe.
- And of course, I appreciate clean indoor running water! So many people around the world don’t and I won’t ever take it for granted.
I encourage you to do your own list. It’s a great exercise to do anytime you feel like complaining. Since life is unpredictable and nothing is really ever permanent, I say appreciate now!
Love from your Joy Mama,
P.S. What would be the top three things on your appreciation list? Drop a comment below. Would love to hear from you.
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Image courtesy of Pixabay.
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