Are you following your divine path? The one you signed up for before you were born. The one that fills you with love and reverence for all. The one that makes your heart soar.
I hope so. If not, perhaps your path has taken a temporary detour and once you remember your joy, it will be easier to find again. I have a little exercise that might help, so make sure you continue reading.
Today’s blog is the last in a series of weekly reminders about the importance of reverence. All month I have provided a variety of my own thoughts as well as those from others, about why reverence for yourself and others matters. In last week’s post, I shared insights from several writers who made the case for why showing reverence is important for your sense of connection, protection, unity, sustainability, and wellbeing.
Today I want to talk about having reverence for what you do.
I agree with Mark Twain who said, “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
I’ve found that when I am fully engaged in work, either paid or voluntary that is meaningful, emotionally fulfilling and is of service to others, I am at my most joyous. Time seems to stand still in this sacred state of reverence for the work.
But what if you’re not sure if you are walking your path?
In a previous post, I wrote about a book by Andrew Harvey called The Hope – A Guide to Sacred Activism and a powerful exercise to help you determine the path you were meant to be travelling.
If you’re not familiar with Andrew Harvey, he’s a poet, spiritual teacher and mystical scholar who wrote this book in 2009 as a tool to help you discover your divine purpose and take action to help save the world from its downward spiral. Amazing how relevant and urgent this book is now given all that is threatening our world today.
Here’s the exercise Andrea Harvey provided in the book to help you remember your mission. I performed this myself after reading the book.
The exercise involved setting my alarm for 3 a.m. (I did it on a weekend). Harvey explained that this is a particularly good time to do spiritual work “because the noise of the world is hushed, and it is easy to feel alone with your spirit and with the Divine.”
I was then instructed to sit calmly on the bed and open my heart to feel the pain of what is happening in the world. He says to then, “Ask yourself what is the cause of all the causes I care for that breaks my heart the most.”
He then asks that when you “imagine that your heartbreak has become a torch of flame and guides you down a spiral staircase into a small dark cave. This small, dark cave is a symbol of your heart center. By the golden light that your heartbreak is emitting, you see that there is a letter on the floor of the cave with your name on it in your own handwriting. Praying for courage and clarity, pick up that letter, open it, and read it. Written in the letter will be your life’s purpose, spelling out your particular role in the Birth.” (Harvey is referring to the Birth as the transformation of the world that you will play your role in helping unfold.)
A very powerful and transformative experience which I encourage you to try.
I’ll close with a final thought from spiritual teacher and Seat of the Soul author Gary Zukav about why following your soul’s mission is so critical:
“The requirements for our evolution have changed. Survival is no longer sufficient. Our evolution now requires us to develop spiritually – to become emotionally aware and make responsible choices. It requires us to align ourselves with the values of the soul – harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for life.”
Love from your Joy Mama,
P.S. If you have other insights into why reverence matters, I would love to hear your comments.
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Images from Pixabay.
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