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joy journals

Quote from Paxton Hood

I’ve always loved to read.

To me a good book is like a good friend. And I agree with Paxton Hood, that we need to be just as choosy about the books we read as the company we keep.  Both can have profound influences in our lives.  They can either uplift or deplete our spirit.

I am drawn to books, movies and television programs that include people or subjects that feed my curiosity and enthusiasm for learning.  And I especially find my joy vibration increase when I am inspired by other writers.  Here’s a classic about the very subject of this month’s theme on enthusiasm:

Book cover about Enthusiasm
Image credit:

I also feel drawn to children’s movies.

The most compelling ones to me are about the enthusiasm of a child or animal to do something amazing, due in part because of their enthusiastic spirit.  Movies like Babe are great for elevating your joy vibe.

Picture from the movie 'Babe'
Image credit:

And of course, the remake of the classic Dumbo.

In fact, I just saw it a few weeks ago – all by myself with a big bag of popcorn.  Was so much fun to be in the energy of children laughing!

Movie poster of 'Dumbo'
Image credit:

So go to a kids movie this week with a friend (or by yourself), or to your library to select a great book to read, or watch an inspiring documentary — whatever will spark your curiosity and suspend your disbelief.

For these are the experiences that will help you replace boredom with enthusiasm and convert apathy into joy!

Love from your Joy Mama

Gloria Stewart signature

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P.S. Have you downloaded my free eBook yet? Learn how to recognize and eliminate your joy blockers with 8 Barriers to Joy & Abundance.

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