There’s nothing like a pandemic to remind us of how interdependent we are on a global scale. Yes, we are all still in this together!
But as I began to write this week’s blog about the joy habit of connection, I remembered a post I had written early on in the pandemic that is relevant to this month’s theme. The following are some excerpts.
You’ve likely heard of the butterfly theory that suggests how the flapping of a butterfly’s wings can impact the weather thousands of miles away. In an April 14, 2020, Fast Company article by Parag Khanna and Karan Khemka, they reinforce this concept even further, with sobering predictions for the future by saying, “In chaos theory, the butterfly effect describes a small change that can have massive, unpredictable consequences. An insect flaps its wings and, weeks later, causes a tornado. The coronavirus is more like an earthquake, with aftershocks that will permanently reshape the world.”
If there ever was a time to take our heads out of the sand and realize that we are indeed connected, now is the time! We all have a responsibility to our sacred planet.
We’ve all felt the impact of climate change over the past year. Those of us living in BC have felt it more than at any other time before. Extreme heat, fires, unprecedented flooding, and heavy snow have only compounded the anxiety caused by the pandemic.
But it’s at times like these that we must face up to the fact that what we do now as we come out on the other side of this pandemic will impact our planet for generations to come. It’s that important.
Now, I’m not one to recoil into fear when I watch the news, however I don’t think it’s wise to run away from the opinions or predictions of experts who you trust to tell the truth.
I think it’s important to be informed but not to let fear and worry immobilize you. We have a choice in how we respond over the next few years. Listening to and reading varying perspectives can only help us to become more open-minded so that we can innovate in ways that will assist the planet and all its inhabitants in healing.
My hope is that we morph into a kinder, more collaborative global society, realizing that what benefits one, benefits us all. Only when we arrive at that common understanding of connection can we shape what’s been broken into a better way of being.
I’ll close with a great quote I read in Mark Nepo’s, Book of Awakening by American feminist and author Starhawk. Let it be our universal prayer of connection for joyful living.
“Earth mother, you who are called by a thousand names.
May all remember we are cells in your body and dance together.”
Love from your Joy Mama,
P.S. Why not practice the importance of connection right now by purchasing a copy of my book to give to someone you care about. You’ll be helping to spread the high vibration of joyful energy throughout the world.
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Image from Pixabay.
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