Do you feel connected to yourself – to your spirit?
If you do, you likely feel confident in the decisions you make because you are allowing source energy to guide you. On the other hand, when you aren’t connected, you may feel displaced, scattered, and have difficulty relaxing when you’re by yourself.
This month’s theme is all about connection and why it’s important to your emotional, physical, financial, and spiritual wellbeing. In this first week’s post, I’ll be talking about self-connection.
If you read my monthly Joy Matters newsletters, you’ll recall from the January 1 issue, that I shared a personal story about the power of connections that changed the trajectory of my life. By developing a deeper relationship with my spirit and my intuition, I was able to recognize those relationships that would be of the most significant to my wellbeing. If you don’t already receive my newsletter in your in-box, you can subscribe to it here.
Like with all things, connection starts with acknowledging the self with the understanding that everything is connected and that you are significant to the world. I’m going to share a story that I read in a special book I adore by Mark Nepo – Book of Awakening, to illustrate my point.
In Mark’s book, he retells the story of the “work of the worm” as told by a member of the Ojibway tribe:
“The Creator was having trouble keeping the world together, when a little worm said he could help. The Creator paused, and the little worm spun its imperceptible silk, connecting all of creation with an unseeable web. The Creator’s gift to the worm was to let it live forever, allowing that when the little worm enclosed itself in the unseeable web, it would after a time emerge with the tinniest wings full of color – as a butterfly.”
Mark goes on to explain that “The Story tells us that everything in Creation is connected and that what holds it all together comes from the humble work of living on Earth.”
Furthermore, Mark says that “Humbly, like a little worm, it is in us to work our experience – our pain and frustration and confusion and wonder – into threads of silk.”
Mark concludes, in part, by saying, “Amazingly, the Universe is held together by the unseeable threads of our own experience, and our reward for keeping the web of connection alive is that our spirit emerges through what is personal into the center of All Being. And so by being who we are, we are suddenly enlivened, however briefly, into the web of all Creation.”
I’ll end this week’s post with one of the most famous quotes about connection from the English poet John Donne, who Wayne Dyer called “one of the finest metaphysical poets,” in his book Wisdom of the Ages. If you haven’t read it, it’s a treasure-trove of powerful insights that have stood the test of time. Here is Donne’s poem:
“No man is an island,
entire of itself;
every man is a piece of the continent,
a part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less,
as well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thy friend’s
or thine own were.
Any man’s death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind;
and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls;
it tolls for thee.”
Simply put, you matter – we all matter – to ourselves and to each other. And that my friend is truly joyful living!
Love from your Joy Mama,
P.S. Why not practice the importance of connection right now by purchasing a copy of my book to give to someone you care about. You’ll be helping to spread the important message of joyful living with the world.
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Image from Pixabay.
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