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The best chance to be whole is to love whatever gets in the way until it ceases to be an obstacle.” ~Mark Nepo

Have you ever noticed how tense your body gets when you “dig your heels in” because you’re fixated on having to be in control?  So the notion of just stopping for a minute, taking a deep breath and surrendering to the moment might feel like you’re giving in.

But the truth is that surrender means you’re letting go long enough to let your joy in.

Surrender is sweet.  It’s liberating.  It heals your spirit.

It opens up a new window allowing you to see with your mind’s eye, all that you need to see.  But in order for that to happen, you must remain flexible as you surrender to a path that may wind in some new directions.

With perseverance, you will learn to allow your own unique wisdom to guide you instead of trying to force things to happen. Remember, obstacles are really about perspective.

Here’s a great exercise from my book Being Joy™ to help you lock in the joy habit of flexibility in a physical way.

It’s called Stretch & Sway.

Woman stretching backwards while on a beach

This simple activity will help you move more energy through your body with ease. Spend a few minutes today stretching your entire body as far as you can. Then sway back and forth, in a slow and easy motion. Make each movement gentle and mindful. If you can, sway to some peaceful music, or hum. And remember that as your body learns to be flexible, you will learn inside as well.

Stretch and sway, stretch and sway, stretch and sway…

Love from your Joy Mama,

Gloria Stewart signature

P.S.  If you’d like to learn more about my book Being Joy™ where I go into more detail about this subject and 39 other topics to help elevate your joy, have a look at this video.

And, if you enjoyed this blog post, you may also enjoy these:

Be fluid like water
Love yourself as much as you love others
Let go of control

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