I believe we are all searching for inner and outer peace, probably more than ever before.
With our world in such turmoil, it can be challenging not to let the fear messages we see and hear in every “breaking news” bulletin feed our worry. But it’s at these very times that we need to watch our words and thoughts even more carefully as they have an impact on our peace of mind.
I suggest that instead of giving in to the “hypnosis of social conditioning”, we look for symbols and images of peace and goodness to elevate our vibrational frequency to that of joy. See the peace and be the peace.
In today’s blog, I’ll give you some “soul candy” in the form of images of what peace looks like to me.
I’m also providing you with the answers to last week’s Peace & Patience Puzzle.
And as a special bonus, I’ve included a message from the “numbers” to help expand your thinking about the message of peace.
First, here are the answers to the puzzle from October 16’s blog. How did you do? Leave me a comment below this blog.
2. Thanks
5. Frequency
9. Sad
10. Love
12. Meditation
13. Water
1. Pardon
3. Blessings
4. Joy
6. Calm
7. Hope
8. Prayer
11. Light
13. War
Here are some of my favourite images of peace, courtesy of Pixabay.com
Why don’t you make your own soul candy collage to look at anytime you feel your vibration lowering because of fear or worry. Just shifting your mind gently away from anxious thoughts for a few minutes each day, will make a huge difference to your perspective, helping you to become more peaceful so that you can remember the joy you were always meant to feel.
My good friend Vikki MacKinnon and numerology teacher sends a monthly newsletter “Know Your Numbers” with really useful information about the language of the numbers and the role they play in our lives.
This is an excerpt from her October issue which I am including because of the significant reference to this month’s joy habit of peace.
“In this 2019 calendar year we are all experiencing the lively energy of 3. Number 3 often brings us a sense of well-being and optimism, although to be honest, as the number of the inner child, it can also make us feel vulnerable. Become familiar with its energy and work with it for the highest good of yourself and those you care for. The language of three is the language of creativity and expansion. It calls for positive thinking and high intention.
PEACE (21/3) I think it’s very fitting that the word PEACE adds up to 3. As the number of the inner child, the 3 has always called us to put a smile on our face, step back from turmoil and mind chatter, relax and play. Universal peace must begin with inner peace.
ANGEL (21/3) Although angels are typically known to be benevolent celestial beings, every one of us has met and experienced the kindness of Earth Angels, and most of us have had occasion to be an Earth Angel to others. This also contributes to inner peace and Universal peace. “It’s hard to spread sunshine without getting a little on yourself.”
If you would like to get in touch with Vikki for a reading or to subscribe to her newsletter, here’s her contact information:
Vikki MacKinnon, Intuitive Numerologist
Vikki’s Facebook Page
Love from your Joy Mama
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