Last weekend we celebrated Thanksgiving in Canada. A time for sharing our blessings with friends and family or just spending peaceful time alone in gratitude.
I especially love this time of year. The peacefulness and patience of nature as it slows down to make way for retreat and rejuvenation for the next season. A clear pathway to joy in my opinion.
I think Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best in this quote, “Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.”
So, how can peace and patience help you remember your joy?
Because the month of October is dedicated to the joy habit of peace, I’ve created something fun for you to do this week. It will help reinforce the message of peace by asking you to be patient as you solve the challenge.
Are you ready?
I’ve created a special crossword puzzle called Peace & Patience. Many of the clues relate to the Peace Prayer of St Francis in my October 9th blog and one in particular relates to some information I shared in October’s e-Newsletter (by the way if you don’t already receive it, just sign up here and you’ll get a free eBook as my special gift).
Here you go. Have fun!
(to fill in the puzzle, you might want to right click on the image, save it, and then print it)
In the comments below, please let me know what you thought of the puzzle and if you’d like to see more in the future.
Love from your Joy Mama
If you liked this blog post, you may also enjoy this read to help you be peaceful:
Is lack of alignment one of your barriers to joy?
Who is your peace champion?
Soul Candy images to elevate your joy vibe!
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