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over red mandala - You can do anything but not everything." - David Allen

Do you find it difficult to ask for help?  Do you prefer to do things yourself rather than delegating tasks to others?  Are you tired yet?

I hear that complaint so often from people I know.  In fact, years ago I used to be one of those people. Never comfortable asking for advice – I thought I would be judged for not knowing.

I assumed no one could do it as well as I could, so I carried the entire burden of the chore or the decision on my tired shoulders.

No wonder I was burnt out, no longer happy with what I was doing for work or in my personal life.  Feeling suffocated and buried under the weight of carrying the responsibly for everyone else on my shoulders.   Good grief!  Who did I think I was anyway – Super Woman?

If this describes you then give yourself a break by Being Helpful to yourself.  After all, you can’t help anyone else if you’re not prepared to help yourself.  Like I repeatedly remind my readers, everything starts with “the self”.

This month’s joy habit theme comes from Chapter 32 – Be Helpful from my book Being Joy™ and if you haven’t already read it, I encourage you to order one here.  Or for a sneak peak, subscribe to my monthly newsletter Joy Matters where each month I share a chapter along with some other relevant insights about the topic of the month.

This week I challenge you to think of one thing you could do consistently for the entire week that would demonstrate your willingness to let go and let in the helpfulness of others.  Try letting someone else load the dishwasher – even if it isn’t the way you would do it.  (and then don’t go back and redo it – defeats the purpose)

image of a watch and words like 'late, rush, no time, stress,"

Or look at your list of daily tasks and ask who else could take something on for you?  If you’re self-employed like I am, maybe it’s time to hire a personal assistant so that you’re not working 12 hours a day.  Or how could you reorganize your life so that it has more balance?  That’s you helping you!

Just pick one thing and focus on it.  Make it your helpful joy habit for the week.  Then at the end of the week, see if you feel lighter, more relaxed, less irritable, and best of all more joyful.

I know, it won’t be easy for the first few days, and you may find that you need a little longer than a week to make this new way of helping yourself stick.  In fact, the reason my book has 40 chapters is because changing behaviour doesn’t happen all at once.  I believe it takes about 40 days to ingrain a new habit so be patient with yourself.  Take some baby steps, but at least take the first one.

And just like the opening quote for this week’s post reminds us, you can absolutely do anything you set your mind to.  But no one expects you to do everything – at least not all by yourself.  And when you really get that and start to see the changes in your life, then my friend, that is truly joyful living!

Love from your Joy Mama,

Gloria Stewart signature

P.S.    If you haven’t already read my book Being Joy™, it’s a simple 40-day practice of replacing old self-defeating beliefs with new empowering joy habits. As your vibrational frequency increases, you’ll not only experience more joy, but you’ll also be a beacon of hope for others who have forgotten their own joy.  Please join me on this important mission by ordering your copy today!

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Image courtesy of Pixabay.

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