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joy journals

"Silent' and "Listen" are spelled with the same letters" - Unknown

You’ve likely heard someone say they are “holding space” for a friend who is going through a challenge.  Or maybe someone has asked you to hold space for them.

But what does that really mean?

In this week’s blog, I share my interpretation of this expression and its bearing on this month’s joy habit of being present.

I remember the first time I heard this expression, I was a bit confused. What was I supposed to do? Was I supposed to try to cheer them up? Give them advice? Agree with them? Leave them alone and just think good thoughts about them? How can you literally hold a space that you can’t see?

What I believe it means is to be 100 percent present for someone, without judgement.

It’s about listening to the truth of them, as they are feeling it right now, no matter what comes up.

It’s their story, not yours.  So let them tell it.  But don’t try to own it.

Holding space is the greatest gift you can give someone.  By being totally present you are giving from your heart, without conditions or expectation.  It’s the ultimate expression of love!

Two older women on a rocky meach staring out to sea

So the next time you find yourself in the company of a friend who is hurting, or a child who needs someone to listen, or a stranger who needs to know they matter, you have the power to change their life by holding space with your presence. I guarantee you’ll be transformed in the process!

What are your thoughts on holding space for someone? Feel free to share them in the comments below.

Love from your Joy Mama!

Gloria Stewart signature

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