With Father’s Day this Sunday, I wanted to send a special message out to all those men who are fathers – past and present. For me, this time of year is bitter-sweet as my own father passed away in 2011.
A gentle man and a gentleman, as everyone who knew him always said, he influenced me in ways that I am only now beginning to fully understand. And one of his greatest gifts to our family was his deep and abiding love for my mother.
As children, we knew we were loved, but we also knew my mom came first in my father’s eyes. Now that may seem odd to some or even appear to be selfish on his part. But my dad understood that the strength of the family came from the strong foundation of the parents and the modelling of affection and respect that they showed for their children. That gave us great security and taught us what real love looked like. It was kind and it was gentle.
Now that my own son has a son of his own, Father’s Day brings on a new meaning for me – the witnessing of a new generation of gentle men unfolding. You see my son was fortunate enough to get to really know my dad not only when he was a child but once he became an adult. I know that this memory will guide him well as he grows into fatherhood. A gentle man himself, I know my son will pass along that loving trait to his own child, teaching him that with gentleness brings great strength. And thus a gentle and joyful legacy continues.
Love from your Joy Mama
P.S. I truly believe that this next generation of males will be more tender-hearted and gentler in the way they engage with the world. In fact, our world depends on it! And if you agree with me, post a comment on my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/gloriastewart.ca/ Thanks and see you next week!
P.P.S. Have you downloaded my free eBook yet? Learn how to recognize and eliminate your joy blockers with 8 Barriers to Joy & Abundance.
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