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Balancing for “jump time”.

I love the quote for today’s blog, which is the last in this month’s joy habit series of being in balance.  In this month's first blog post, you may recall that I referenced the seven aspects that make up your life experience as suggested by the Oola approach.  To recap, the 7 F’s are Faith, Family, Friend, Fun, Fitness, Finance and Field.  I’ve chosen Field as my last and most important topic for life balance because we need your talents now more than ever! You see, we’re embarking upon a new time, accelerated in great part due to the pandemic.  What I am witnessing is the abundance of possibility that is being created amidst the chaos of the past year.  And it’s an exciting new era that will require a new mind and the collective pooling of our talents. I’ve been reading a great deal about this shift that has been predicted for some time and, like always for me, I discovered a great book on my bookshelf that I had forgotten about and had not made time to read.  Spirit told me this was the time.  The book is called Jump Time by Jean Houston.
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What’s your fitness plan?

To continue this month’s joy habit of being in balance in order to live a more joyful life, today’s offering will examine the attention you give to the aspect of fitness in your daily life. But it’s about more than just your physical body.  Yes, physically you want your body to be fit so that you have better health, strength, and stamina as you age.  Developing a good overall fitness practice that keeps your body moving and your heart pumping will not only help maintain optimal physical health, but it will also help reduce mental stress and anxiety. No surprise there.  And lots of good evidence to support that fact. But I see fitness in a more holistic way. I would include nutritional fitness in the category of life balance.  And I am a true example of the benefit of getting this aspect of your life in check.  Here’s my story.
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Where is faith in your balance wheel?

In last week’s blog, I referenced an interesting approach for January’s joy habit of being in balance that was created by the founders of Oola Life.  I especially like their contemporary approach for segmenting the various aspects of the whole into seven distinct parts that they call Faith, Fun, Fitness, Family, Friends, Finance and Field. Even if you have used other terms to define and group the various components of your life, you can likely find a place for all your aspects in these 7 F’s. Because the use of alliteration makes these easy to remember, I prefer to use these but feel free to use whatever grouping you are accustomed to. The objective is to examine all the parts of the whole and determine which ones are in sync and which ones are out of balance.  Then work towards bringing them all into alignment. When you do, you’ll experience a greater sense of peace so that you can remember the joy that you were always meant to feel.
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What part of your life do you want to adjust in 2021?

I’ve dedicated the first month of 2021 to the joy habit of balance.  For as I see it, being in balance is one of the best states that will enable you to not just survive these next few challenging months, but to actually come out stronger on the other side. Here’s why. When all the various aspects of your life are balanced, you’ll feel less stress, have better clarity, and actually will accomplish more of what’s really important in your life. On the other hand, when you’re not living in balance (and your body and soul will know it), you’ll feel overwhelmed, anxious, and remorseful about the neglect of some aspects of your life – all toxic emotions that rob you of your joy. Today’s blog will provide you with some resources to help you examine your current life and what areas you may want to work on in 2021.
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What do you want in 2021?

I love Einstein’s quote for this week’s blog and the last in December’s joy habit of Be Abundant.  And I saved the best for last.  Today’s topic will focus on the abundance of possibilities and a 10-step program that I am summarizing from a great book that I highly recommend by Wayne Dyer. Once you totally get the fact that the only limits are those that you impose upon yourself, you will be liberated from the shackles of poverty consciousness and instead will look at obstacles as divine opportunities to sharpen the power of your intentions. Knowing this simple truth is one of the best remedies for helping you move beyond any worry that you might be feeling about what lies ahead in 2021.  I for one, believe that our future will be better than our past and I’m excited to be an active participant in its abundant arrival. So, are you with me?  Let’s get started!
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A love story for Christmas

I know this Christmas and holiday season are different than what you likely planned.  I too have had to make some adjustments.  But what these past few months have taught me most of all, is how adaptable the human species really is. I see it in the way businesses have learned to improvise.  The way parents have learned how to keep young minds busy.  And how most people have adapted to new ways of connecting with friends and loved ones while still remaining safe at a distance.  We are a resilient bunch, we humans. Our sheer survival depends on it. But what about any anxiety or fears you may be carrying about an uncertain future?  Or worries about the lack of money, opportunities, or freedoms that you’ve had to adjust to.  How do you overcome the feeling of scarcity as the world seems to be turned upside down?
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The Spirit or the Material

A few years ago, when I was exhibiting at a metaphysical trade show, a woman came up to my booth and wanted to share her philosophy about spirituality. Tends to happen a lot at these kinds of fairs.  Not wishing to be rude, I let her explain her point of view. She was of the opinion that she had to suffer in order to attain enlightenment.  And furthermore, she believed that in order to be a spiritual person, she had to live a life of poverty.  Well as a conscious capitalist who is also a person who deeply believes in Spirit and the goodness in all, I was a bit taken aback.  I asked her how she came to that conclusion. After smiling nervously and thinking a bit about it, she explained that because she was already poor, there must have been a reason for her lot in life and the conclusion she came to was that it must be because she is “so spiritual”.    There was no point in trying to convince her that it was her poverty consciousness that kept her in a state of suffering and lack as that was her belief and she was sticking to it. 
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Don’t believe the illusion

It’s natural to feel anxious these days when faced with so many changes as a result of the pandemic.  The everyday uncertainty of what restrictions might come next goes against our primal need for control and our compulsion for accumulation.  But maybe that’s the point.  Instead of trying to control everything around us and fester in fear about not having enough, how about we loosen our grip for a minute so that we can focus our attention on all that we do have. Because as Wayne Dyer famously said, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Today’s blog will ask you to reexamine your beliefs about scarcity and abundance. And it will challenge you to stretch your perceptions about accumulation.  Are you up for it?   
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What are you ‘being’?

We’ve all heard the famous quote by Mahatma Gandhi that tells us to “be the change we want to see.” Well the same goes for abundance and everything else for that matter.  You have to live in the energy of the thing you desire in order for it to materialize.  That’s why I titled my book Being Joy™, because I truly believe that you cannot look for joy.  You must remember it and then embody it or “be” it. This month’s theme for helping you remember your joy is Be Abundant.  You see, we live in an abundant universe and in order to attract more of what you want you must be prepared to see it in everyone and everything.  Feel abundant in all you do.  Be abundant in all you are. Trust me.  When you start to think this way more of the time, good things will happen.  It just the way the law of attraction works.  And it works every time.
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Here’s a song to bring you hope and joy.

It’s easy to believe that we live in a divided world these days.  One that is out of balance socially, economically, politically, and environmentally.  But I also believe we are out of balance spiritually. Over the years, we have allowed our moral compass to become spiritually eroded, much like we’ve allowed the land that gives us life to be physically eroded. I believe that one of the reasons for this depletion is that we have bought into the fallacy that there’s not enough to go around so therefore “the other” is our enemy. And for centuries, with the exception of indigenous peoples, we’ve treated mother earth as our property, to do with her what we want instead of respecting her as our sacred partner.   This disharmony has occurred gradually, without most of us taking much notice. That’s how insidious “the hypnosis of social conditioning” can be. But in my opinion, one of the most dangerous beliefs we hold is that there is nothing we can do to change the outcome. We’ve become victims to our own beliefs.  We feel helpless.
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