At the risk of sounding corny and quoting contemporary song lyrics like those sung by Rihanna, these few lines from the beginning of the song will help me illustrate my point for this week’s blog. Sing along if you know it…
Find light in the beautiful sea
I choose to be happy
You and I, you and I
We’re like diamonds in the sky
O.k. I know, now you won’t be able to get that tune out of your head all day. Sorry. So here’s my point.
Over this entire month, my newsletter and blog posts have been about the subject of service and how that actually contributes to our state of joyfulness. You see, when we are in service, we are actually lighting the way for the path of self-discovery which is where our joy lives. That’s one of the reason’s I like this Rihanna song so much. It’s about belonging, finding the light, and choosing happiness – all important things for the journey. All gifts we give ourselves and others.
No one can successfully make it through life by themselves. We all need each other because in fact, we are all connected anyway. So when you are in service to someone else, you are actually in service to yourself as well. You end up lighting your own path as it reflects off the light you are shining for someone else. That’s just how it works. Buddha got it right when he wrote those words I’ve shared at the top of this page.
So, on the next clear night, go outside and stare up at the stars. Be silent and just gaze. See how they twinkle – just like diamonds. Then the next time you are in service to someone, look in their eyes to see those same diamonds and remember that we are all the light for one another. And to me, that is truly joyful living!
Love from your Joy Mama
P.S. Have you downloaded my free eBook yet? Learn how to recognize and eliminate your joy blockers with 8 Barriers to Joy & Abundance.
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