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Your Nose Knows It

The use of aromatherapy has been around for thousands of years.  But it’s only been within the last few decades that it has reached mainstream popularity and understanding, being used for emotional well being as well as physical health.  Without getting into all the science behind the effectiveness of aromatherapy in this blog, I want to focus on my top five favourite scents for promoting relaxation since this month’s joy habit is Be Relaxed. If you’ve read this month’s Joy Matters newsletter, you’ll have read the chapter from my book        Being Joy™ that explains some of the benefits of relaxing for your body and mind.  I also provided some links to articles that give practical tips for stress reduction, and handy self-assessment tool for determining your level of stress. But today’s blog is about taking time to smell the roses…literally!
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Feel With Your Ears

I’ve always been a music lover.  I listen to all types – classical, country, jazz, folk, hip hop, soul. You name it.  Doesn’t matter to me as long as it’s music that makes me feel something loving, or is thought-provoking, or just makes me want to shake my booty.  I watch the Junos and Grammys every year.  I love to hear music from up and comers, even if it’s not always my cup of tea.  It’s about honouring someone who took the time to express their thoughts through music.  I love that. But my favourite kind of music is the gentle sounds that soothe my soul.  The background notes that don’t try to compete for my attention when I’m working or writing.  The notes that lull me to sleep each night.  And the tracks that help me relax so that I can deepen my daily meditations.
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