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How do you show respect?

What would you say is the best way to show respect to someone?  Is it to gush over them with compliments?  Do you minimize yourself, so they know you have elevated them to a position of more importance? And do you show respect only towards people who think the way you do? As we are becoming more and more polarized in the way we perceive the world and our importance in it, I fear that we have lost the true meaning of respect.  For ourselves, for others, and for this world we call home. Today’s blog is about taking the next step by sending those respect ripples out towards others so that we can begin to heal ourselves as a people. In my opinion, it’s the pathway to changing the world. So what’s the best way to show respect towards others?
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Do you feel disrespected?

Do you sometimes feel like a doormat?  People walking all over you, dismissing your needs? Do you feel disrespected?  When you begin to feel this way, I want you to find the closest mirror and look into it.  What do you see?  You might think you see a victim.  But I suggest that what you really see is the person who disrespects you the most – yourself! I know, it’s a harsh truth, but the reality is that we teach those around us how to treat us based on how we see and treat ourselves. Essentially we are just attracting the same energy we are putting out.    If you read last week’s blog, you’ll remember that I wrote about why I believe the joy habit of respect is one of the key doorways for remembering your joy. And that when you honour your sacred self you begin to live more fully in the high vibration of joy energy which is where all the magic happens. So how do you show others how to treat you?
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Are you putting your needs last?

Do you lack confidence and worry about what others might be thinking of you?  Do you struggle with low self-esteem?  Do you believe that self-care is self-indulgent? Have you been putting your needs at the bottom of the priority list?  Do you then feel resentful later?  Be honest. In actuality self-care is the first step towards self-respect and self-esteem.  And if you don’t respect yourself, well then, who else will? You’ve shown them how to treat you. This week’s blog is all about the joy habit of respect and why it’s one of the key doorways for remembering your joy. You see, when you honour your sacred self you begin to live more fully in the high vibration of joy energy.  And as I’ve said before, that’s where all the magic happens. But where to start?  If you’ve never been taught how to nurture your spirit you’ve never really paid attention to the signs your body has been trying to tell you.  You’ve forgotten how to listen.
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