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Happy is as happy does

I have a really great cheesy but endearing music video to share with you today.  On most nights before I turn in for the evening, I like to watch something light on TV to get out of my head and into my heart.  And one of the best ways I’ve found to do that is to watch music videos. I love music.  All different kinds.  I also like to stay up to date with what some of the newer artists are creating.  It’s been amazing how much music has been created during the pandemic.  So, when I ran across this song a few months ago during the earlier days of the restrictions, I was really drawn to its simple message of “feeling blessed, never stressed”.  I loved it so much that I searched for it on YouTube and saved it on my desktop along with a few others I turn to when I need a lift.
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An activity to elevate your happy heart

Most kids are naturally happy.  They get it.  They know that’s their authentic state of being. They don’t need a reason.  They just go with the flow.  It helps that their attention span is so short. It means they don’t hold grudges or let the past get between them and their happy heart. But we aren’t kids anymore.  We have a past that likes to pop up now and again to remind us of our perceived shortcomings or about people we feel have wronged us.  And of course, we have the present day anxiety and disruption of the pandemic to contend with.  It’s hard to put on a happy face when you’re a grown up sometimes. So, what can you do to change your disposition? I have a great activity I’ve done with great success and another one I’m about to start.  Curious?
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